Vacuum truck clean up services in Los Angeles.

Vacuum truck clean up services in Los Angeles.

We use our vacuum trucks to assist in the cleanup of different types of hazardous waste spills and accidents in Los Angeles and San Diego.  Here is an old article from the Los Angeles Times.


About 100 gallons of an industrial solvent spilled during a transfer from rail car to storage tank in Long Beach, and at least 100 residents were evacuated, fire officials said.

No injuries were reported from the spill, which occurred Tuesday night at the Bulk Terminal Co., said Fire Capt. Wayne Wartenberg. “It was human error, a miscalculation,” said Fire Department spokesman Bob Caldon. He said the propylene glycol methyl ether acetate overflowed a 20,000-gallon storage tank, and most of the solvent collected in a diked area. Caldon said the solvent had a strong odor, “like nail polish remover.”

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